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Graveland is a horror comic I was working on with the good folks at White Bull Studios. The series has zombies, shady governments, gangsters, illuminati, psychics and more, so really, it's concentrated awesomeness. Here are a few teaser pages for your perusal. All images ©White Bull Studios.

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Howland Illustration - Graveland #2 pg. 48/49

This is one of my favorite images from issue #2. Our gangster antagonist, currently as high as a kite, stumbles out of a rather unfortunate incident in a nightclub and finds a city gone mad. Hordes of christmas shoppers, previously ravenous for deals, are now ravenous for brains. Cheap, cheap brains.

Howland Illustration - Graveland #3 pg. 1
And now we move on to Issue 3, page 1. What happened to the gangster you ask? I'm sure it all worked out fine, don't worry.

We're in a saner part of the city, before everyone got all zombied up. Zooming in (and enhancing), we find ourselves viewing a park with some happy children frolicking. "What a pleasant scene, what could possibly go wrong here?" you might ask. Well nothing, at least on this page.

As an aside, cities are awesome to draw, but rendering all those windows is a pain in my butt. Parks are a bit better, but really they need to have some explosions or ninjas to get me too excited. Playing with the perspective always makes it a bit more intriguing, but unfortunately significantly adds to the complexity. Still, if I'm going to be masochistic, at least it's for art's sake.

Howland Illustration - Graveland #3 pg. 2
Run and hide, little ones! No, not in the trashcan, it's unsanitary! Ack, too late now, the count is finished and here comes the seeker, eager to ferret out her friends wherever they hide, regardless of the sanitation level.

Howland Illustration - Graveland #3 pg. 3
Whelp, that was easier than expected, especially for a blind girl. Now all her friends are "zombies" even if that one kid in back isn't so happy about it. Maybe next time, try hiding a bit better, little buddy.

Howland Illustration - Graveland #3 pg. 4/5

"After the park, we cut to the blind girl's Aunt's house, which is pretty damn mystical looking. She's got a statue of Cthulhu, the Necrinomicon and a Hand of Glory amongst her goodies, as well as one of those kitchy dragons holding a marble. What the heck is going on here? Well, I'm sworn to secrecy, but I promise White Bull Studios knows and hopefully we'll open the vault all the way, one day.

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Howland Illustration - Illustratin' what needs to be illustrated
Howland Illustration - I just can't stop Illustrating!